What Is ArtsForge?
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Other Areas of Interest on ArtsForge:

CyberCards, MIDI Player, Music Showcase, Fractal Canvas
, Riddles, Reviews, ArtsForge Order Form

is a virtual space in which artists, writers, musicians and programmers from all around the world collaborate on projects using ArtsForge as a virtual collective canvas, forging new online creations:
ArtsForge Main Index | Active Collaborations

ArtsForge is ogranized into "Forges" where these collaborations take place
"Showcases" in which individual artists display their work:
WordForge | VisionForge | MusicForge | Art-to-Poetry Forge
Art Gallery Showcases | Poetry Showcases | Music Showcases

In addition, Visitors email in humor, music and other sources of inspiration, the best of which is posted for all to share:
The Tower of Babel | Best Humor on the Web | Library of Inspiration | Gallery of Inspiration
Top 100 Films | Best Sci-Fi Books & Movies | The MIDI Player | Opinion Polls

ArtsForge also offers some services, including free CyberCards and a Marketplace in which artists can sell their work or simply seen and be contacted:
CyberCards | Marketplace - Order Form

Navigating ArtsForge
ArtsForge Main Page
Collaborations so far…
The MIDI Player
Each page uses TWO navigation bars, placing general interest pages on the left and pages of specific interest to the active webpage on the right.
General Staff
You can also use the pull down menus found at the ArtsForge Index (frames).
In Association with Amazon.com

Established August 28, 1998

This site is constantly evolving and is updated regularly.
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Questions? Contact us.